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  • Celeste Marion

Developmental Screenings

Manos Unidas is dedicated to supporting families with children with disabilities as well as suspected developmental delay. Part of the work we are dedicated to is helping families identify if their child is meeting developmental milestones.

These conversations are not always easy, especially if a family notices their child is not communicating or socially engaging like other children. Often, family and community members may suggest their child “is just fine or “will talk when they are ready” but what we know about young children’s brain plasticity is that the earlier learning, stimulation and support can happen, the more likely a child will reach their potential.

Manos Unidas has been trained to apply the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, a simple developmental screener. Based on a child’s results we can either support the family with simple activities they can do to simulate their child’s growth in their area of concern or support the family with appropriate intervention referrals.

We are also working with the CDC developmental milestone app as well as using the M-Chat, an autism screening with families in the community. We are proud to be able to help support young children’s potential in our community.

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